Researching the world of dreams


Dr. Flöttmann's

Scientific Encyclopedia of Dream Symbols, Second Edition


Dr. Flöttmann's Scientific Encyclopedia of Dream Symbols, Second Edition


1.898 dream symbols are represented. 42 000 dreams build the basis of this publication of scientific dream research. The 42 000 dreams derive from 1.047 men and women. By means of modern data processing, one can select all dreams with one symbol and analyze them. For example, the word bus exists in 1266 dreams. The most frequent meaning of the symbol bus is the Great Mother who contains and shelters the dreamer. A bus accident indicates the break-up of symbiosis between mother and dreamer.

The conclusions result from the comprehensive notice of the dreamer's life conditions and conflicts. A further qualification for this extraordinary dream research is a profound knowledge of psychoanalysis and the language of dreams.

Problems of maturation, aggressive, oral and sexual conflicts, also the wide field of the symptoms of symbiosis and infantility are the most frequent themes in 42 000 dreams.

Dr. Flöttmann is a psychiatrist and neurology consultant, also a specialist for psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic medicine. Dr. Flöttmann works in the centre of dream research and anxiety disorders, 24116 Kiel, Lornsenstr.30, Germany.

Dr. Flöttmann is author of three specialist books:

1. Angst - Ursprung und Überwindung, Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 6.edition (2011).

2. Träume zeigen neue Wege - Systematik der Traumsymbole, BOD Verlag, Norderstedt, 6.edition (2013).

3. Steuerrecht des Lebens, Novum Verlag, Vienna, Horitschon, Munich (2006).